We’re happy to announce that Paul’s Hampshire Dialect iTunes ebook is FREE for the entire month of February. We strongly suggest downloading this ebook and keeping it in your iTunes library even if you don’t intend to master the Hampshire dialect, as the ebook provides great insight into all of Paul’s dialect and accent material. And because Paul grew up in Hampshire, in southern England, this dialect is particularly meaningful to him. (You might notice that in addition to possessing a colorful, charming, rural sound, the Hampshire dialect is the inspiration for the modern, movie “pirate” dialect, which arguably was introduced by British actor Robert Newton in Walt Disney’s Treasure Island, in 1950.) Click here to download, or just search for “The Hampshire Dialect” in your iTunes store. This ebook is compatible with iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, and also Mac computers, but not Windows computers. (Click here for the Windows version, which is available for its regular price of $24.95.)
Author: Cameron Meier
Introducing a new iTunes ebook: Italian
Just in time for the holidays, we’re proud to announce that Paul’s Italian Accent instructional manual is now available as an iTunes ebook, compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Mac, for $24.95. Click here. It had previously been available only as a Windows/Mac ebook and as a hard-copy book with CD. (It’s still available in those formats, here.)
Holiday special on “ADSS”
We have some exciting news that we’ve been waiting a long time to announce: We’re finally able to offer Paul’s signature product, Accents & Dialects for Stage and Screen, in iTunes ebook format! It’s compatible with Mac, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. And even better: Now through December 31, both the ebook and the print book (with CDs) are 30 percent off. That’s $69.99 instead of the usual $99.95. Go to https://www.paulmeier.com/…/accents-and-dialects-for-stage-…/ for details and to take advantage of the holiday sale on the print book. Or go directly to https://itunes.apple.com/…/accents-dialects-f…/id1181641700… for the ebook (or simply search the iTunes store for the book title). Happy holidays!